Saturday, April 25, 2009

End of P2 is Here

Believe it or not, the end of P2 is just 3 exams away. It seems incredible still that I've been here only 4 months. I used to laugh when people were telling me about the intensity of 'the insead experience' and the power of the Bubble. Well it's true... sort of.

Already, I'm feeling somewhat sad about the inevitable split-up of my group. It sounds melodramatic, but it feels like the end of a mini-era! The dynamics of our group has certainly evolved (for detailed analysis of this topic, please refer to my full-marked LPG paper :) . It took us about 3 months to start opening up and really getting to know each other, and a couple of us have just gotten to be close. And now we must say goodbye. It sucks.

I will be staying in Fontainebleau for 2 more months, before packing up for Wharton and Singapore. As much as I complain about this town, I know I will miss it - a lot. I will mostly miss the small details, for example, the weird-looking but strangely beautiful tree on my way to school, the freakishly named boutique Manhattan Giglo on Rue Grande, walking by the Cheateau on a clear Spring morning, etc etc.

Oh, and what about exams? They are sort of blah. I crammed as much I could, so let's see how I do. I unfortunately belong to a very small and sorry group of people on campus who has an unlimited supply of BS when pushed (no, I totally would not mind 2 more 4-hour exams on segmenting shampoo users and monetizing emerging media technologies but I'd never admit this at school or I may be flogged to death) but have trouble getting through one single CFP hand-out without getting up twice for coffee.

And finally, I'm only 3 exams away from going to Rome with 'the partner'! It will be a much needed break for both of us and truly looking forward to that. I will post photos of Gelato.

1 comment:

Uma Abraham said...


How can I get in touch with you?

Keep Blogging,

Uma Abaraham